Dah lama juga nih pengalaman disimpen, dah lama juga niat pengen curhat dalam bentuk tulisan, tapi belum pernah kesampaian berhubung sibuk suribuk ndak jelas..! Cuma, karena saat ini ada salah satu kerabat yang gw khawatir banget bakal terjebak di sikon dimana dia nggak experienced, maka aku terdorong untuk segera mempublikasi tulisan ini...
Alkisah, setelah sekian lama tidak bereforia di dunia maya (maklumlah.. gini-gini juga gw ini mantan ratu cetting.. ntar kapan2 gw ceritain ya..!!), kadang-kadang aku terusik untuk kembali ke dunia ajaib tersebut. Lebay sana lebay sini, obral jjp (janji-janji palsu), dlsb sama orang-orang yang nggak kita kenal tapi pengen ngajak kenalan, dlsb. Intinya ada satu sisi dalam diri kita..(ah.. diri gw.. gitu aja koq repot!!) yang ingin bertualang di dunia maya, merasakan pengalaman berinteraksi dengan orang laen. Trus, cara paling efektif tentunya memanfaatkan hukum alam, dimana motivasi yang paling tinggi orang utk bisa kenalan dengan orang lain di dunia maya adalah beda lawan jenis. Maka, jaranglah terjadi kita punya teman di dunia maya dari kalangan sejenis, kecuali kalo satu profesi. Biasanya kita akan di-cacth oleh orang yang beda jenis, dengan niat kenalan awalnya adalah iseng-iseng berhadiah, selanjutnya terserah anda..!! (Lho, koq kayak iklan salah satu merk deodorant ya??)
So, suatu hari aku menerima ajakan untuk buka account di situs tagged.com. Aku ndak tau situs itu apa isinya dan apa mangpaat buka akun di situs tsb. Tapi, sekali waktu, ngiseng2 ya aku buka account juga, sekaligus approve akun temen yang request tsb. Setelah buka akun, aku jarang buka situs tersebut. Sampe satu ketika salah seorang kerabat tanya-tanya soal situs tsb dan aku kepaksa buka-buka lagi. Dalam kasus ngejawab pertanyaan kerabat tsb, beberapa kali aku utak-atik akun di situs tsb, termasuk liat-liat fiturnya, add foto, update status, dlsb. Setelah beberapa saat, aku terima kabar lewat email bahwa ada beberapa request ke akunku dari situs tagged. Ada yang kirim message, ada yang request friend dlsb. Beberapa request tsb aku tanggapi seperlunya. Pesan ya dibales pesan, request friend ya kalo orangnya keliatan normal-normal ya dibales juga. Aku juga coba-coba request friend ke orang, ya dibales juga. Begitu-begitu aja lah...
Nah.. diantara beberapa pesan yang masuk, beberapa diantaranya request email dan karena pengen kontak lebih intensif. Ada satu dua yang aku layanin karena iseng-iseng tea.. pengen tau nih orang apa maunya..! Singkat cerita, nyatollah satu orang, bernama Bret Austin, ngakunya dari UK. Dari awal suratnya sudah ngareureuwas. Berapi-api kayak gunung merapi. Sayangnya, ndak tau karena udah kelamaan atau udah ketauan kalo dia scammer, ternyata surat-surat dia yang kusimpen di message tagged udah menguap ndak tau kemana... Padahal perasaan sih nggak pernah aku delete, lumayan buat koleksi..he..he.!
Tapi surat-surat dia di gmail masih tersimpan rapi. Ini salah satu contoh surat gombalnya itu :
Selanjutnya, terjadilah surat-menyurat intensif, dan semakin lama semakin menggila, gila letupannya, gila juga narsisnya, maksudnya si jam-Bret ini..!! Salah satunya ujug-ujug dia membahas "Love" dengan kata-kata a'la William Shakespeare, seperti ini:
Beu..!! jadi beuki dodol yeuh..?? Eta nya keukeuh ujug-ujug mau investasi. Waktu itu aku belum tau apa istilahnya untuk kasus seperti ini, tapi jelas-jelas aku ndak percaya dan sudah pernah baca kasus serupa. Makanya, aku pengen tau apa responnya kalo aku menunjukan tanda-tanda mencurigai dia. Jadilah aku tulis surat seperti ini..
Nah mulai ngaco kan?? Selain nggak menjawab topik permasalahan yang aku ajukan di surat sebelumnya, naha ujug-ujug obral hadiah.. bilang udah ngirim paket segala.. deuh..!!
Dih.. ..!! Jijay bajay dan lebay.. Dah ngasih nomor telpon, ngaku-ngaku ngasih hadiah macem-macem, tapi semua kecurigaanku seolah-olah nggak ditanggepin. Trus, tanpa ba-bi-bu lagi, tiba-tiba dia bilang udah ngirim paket yang dia janjiin tersebut. Lengkap dengan data-data pengiriman sebagai berikut :
Trus.. yang surprise nya.. persis seperti skenario, satu hari ada seseorang yang telpon, dari satu nomor telpon (yang kemudian hari aku cek ke situs dmscourier.com, ternyata sama persis dengan nomor telpon di situs tsb). Dengan logat Inggris yang rada kemalay-malayan , orang ini bilang ada problem di paket sejenis itu lah. Tapi suaranya rada-rada nggak jelas gitu. Trus dia minta email, trus aku sebutin di telpon, tapi nggak jelas ngkali, sehingga besoknya dia telpon lagi. Akhirnya, aku ambil inisiatif ngirim imel ke customer service dmscouriers.com seperti yang tertera di situs mereka, seperti berikut :
Nggak nyampe sehari, si orang kurir ini langsung menjawab sebagai berikut :
Tak banyak tentunya jawaban yang bisa dilakukan. Nampaknya si jam-Bret ini jadi sadar kalo usaha penipuannya gagal. Tapi masih juga ngeles juga dikit..! Baca aja imel balasannya berikut :
Hm.. ternyata banyak kejadian scammeria seperti itu. Semuanya dipersiapkan dengan matang, seperti membuat web site perusahaan palsu. Menelpon dari nomor yang sama persis seperti yang tercantum di web site perusahaan tersebut, membuat tampilan yang dapat menampilkan data pengiriman barang seolah-olah pengiriman tersebut benar-benar ada, dan laen-laen. Mereka bekerja secara profesional, meskipun, dengan akal sehat, semuanya itu memang nggak masuk akal.
Oh ya, ternyata banyak perusahaan palsu seperti itu. Laporannya ada di situs cybercrime ini.
Situs itu juga membahas berbagai jenis modus operandi scammer. Salah satunya yang berurusan dengan cintrong-cintrongan palsu yang disebut dengan "Love Scams". Beberapa pelakunya bahkan sudah banyak yang tertangkap.
Situs ini juga membahas lebih serius tentang urusan Love Scams, berikut tips dan trik-triknya. Ada juga situs yang membahas berjenis-jenis modus operandi scammer.
Knapa lagi ya banyak orang yang mudah terjebak para scammer? Khususnya para wanito? Di salah satu artikel yang aku lupa lagi entah dimana nemunya, ada sedikit ulasan tentang fenomena ini, yang konon katanya :
Entah bener entah enggak.... meneketehe lah..!! Pokoke ........ waspadalah !!! waspadalah !!!
Alkisah, setelah sekian lama tidak bereforia di dunia maya (maklumlah.. gini-gini juga gw ini mantan ratu cetting.. ntar kapan2 gw ceritain ya..!!), kadang-kadang aku terusik untuk kembali ke dunia ajaib tersebut. Lebay sana lebay sini, obral jjp (janji-janji palsu), dlsb sama orang-orang yang nggak kita kenal tapi pengen ngajak kenalan, dlsb. Intinya ada satu sisi dalam diri kita..(ah.. diri gw.. gitu aja koq repot!!) yang ingin bertualang di dunia maya, merasakan pengalaman berinteraksi dengan orang laen. Trus, cara paling efektif tentunya memanfaatkan hukum alam, dimana motivasi yang paling tinggi orang utk bisa kenalan dengan orang lain di dunia maya adalah beda lawan jenis. Maka, jaranglah terjadi kita punya teman di dunia maya dari kalangan sejenis, kecuali kalo satu profesi. Biasanya kita akan di-cacth oleh orang yang beda jenis, dengan niat kenalan awalnya adalah iseng-iseng berhadiah, selanjutnya terserah anda..!! (Lho, koq kayak iklan salah satu merk deodorant ya??)
So, suatu hari aku menerima ajakan untuk buka account di situs tagged.com. Aku ndak tau situs itu apa isinya dan apa mangpaat buka akun di situs tsb. Tapi, sekali waktu, ngiseng2 ya aku buka account juga, sekaligus approve akun temen yang request tsb. Setelah buka akun, aku jarang buka situs tersebut. Sampe satu ketika salah seorang kerabat tanya-tanya soal situs tsb dan aku kepaksa buka-buka lagi. Dalam kasus ngejawab pertanyaan kerabat tsb, beberapa kali aku utak-atik akun di situs tsb, termasuk liat-liat fiturnya, add foto, update status, dlsb. Setelah beberapa saat, aku terima kabar lewat email bahwa ada beberapa request ke akunku dari situs tagged. Ada yang kirim message, ada yang request friend dlsb. Beberapa request tsb aku tanggapi seperlunya. Pesan ya dibales pesan, request friend ya kalo orangnya keliatan normal-normal ya dibales juga. Aku juga coba-coba request friend ke orang, ya dibales juga. Begitu-begitu aja lah...
Nah.. diantara beberapa pesan yang masuk, beberapa diantaranya request email dan karena pengen kontak lebih intensif. Ada satu dua yang aku layanin karena iseng-iseng tea.. pengen tau nih orang apa maunya..! Singkat cerita, nyatollah satu orang, bernama Bret Austin, ngakunya dari UK. Dari awal suratnya sudah ngareureuwas. Berapi-api kayak gunung merapi. Sayangnya, ndak tau karena udah kelamaan atau udah ketauan kalo dia scammer, ternyata surat-surat dia yang kusimpen di message tagged udah menguap ndak tau kemana... Padahal perasaan sih nggak pernah aku delete, lumayan buat koleksi..he..he.!
Tapi surat-surat dia di gmail masih tersimpan rapi. Ini salah satu contoh surat gombalnya itu :
Austin BretDiiih.... ge-eran amat tu orang..!! Baru juga kenal beberapa menit, eeeeh.. udah pake mao maen segala.... Unbelievable. Tapi aku memutuskan untuk mbablas mbales ngiseng juga, seperti berikut (psst. .. tapi awaaass ya..!! jangan diseungseurikeun English na..!! soalnya spt biasa.. ditulis dengan gaya EYD, English Yang Diragukan!!)
Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 1:58 PM
Dear my beloved,
How are you today...? Hope you are keeping fine, I am doing well and Junior is fine also,
I will really appreciate your interest in our welfare and our going to Asia for this year's holiday, by next month ending.
Honestly, I will like you to make out time to be with us over there, even if you are working or something just let us know OK, We can plan it so that our going to your country will not affect your movement and working schedule OK.
Do not worry about the transportation, accommodation and feeding expenses, I will see to it... at lease the exchange rate for GB (pounds) and your country's Currency I think will be advantageous for me.... With little pounds we can do a lot of spending although I am not sure of the exact amount for the exchange rate at the moment
Darling I hope your family members are not gona be hurt hearing that you are gona be with a white foreigner and the son soon in your country..... Well we never can tell what the future holds for us ... OK, But I promise to make your life happier if you allow me to see true and sincere affection with out any feeling of pretence ...than I will respect and help you OK, Junior needs more attention and I need to train him to be very hard working boy (man) now that he is still young..
Possibly like his father….. Huhuhuh
Well talk to you soon OK it is well with us just be strong for me and your family okay.
See you in the next mail.
Thanks and best regard,
Bret Austin and Junior
Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 3:57 PM
To: Austin Bret
Hello Bret,
I am sorry that I could not reply your email soon, because I was very busy this week so I could not find good time to type.
I don't know are you serious when mentioned wants to travel to Asia, or visiting my country? It would be glad to see you here, but I don't know you much.. because I guess I just type once more and got your reply for almost one week after that, you never tell me about yourself, your family (except your boy, because I see the picture on Tagged page?).
So, please let me know more about you.................
Talk to you soon..
Selanjutnya, terjadilah surat-menyurat intensif, dan semakin lama semakin menggila, gila letupannya, gila juga narsisnya, maksudnya si jam-Bret ini..!! Salah satunya ujug-ujug dia membahas "Love" dengan kata-kata a'la William Shakespeare, seperti ini:
Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 2:29 PMDih ngapain juga ngasi-ngasi data semacam itu. Emang gw mau telpon dia apa?? Nah baca juga dia ujug-ujug mau kirim hadiah. Sopo sing minta yak?? Tapi kan gw udah kadung ngiseng dan pengen tau sampe mana nih kegombalanannya. Maka kukirim balasan spt ini :
Austin Bret
What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined... to strengthen each other... to be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories. In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing. For one human being to love another that is perhaps the most difficult of our tasks; the ultimate, the last test and proof; the work for which all other work is but preparation.
There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread. Love cannot endure indifference. It needs to be wanted. Like a lamp, it needs to be fed out of oil of another's heart, or its flame burns low.
Please give me your any address that you can use to receive anything from any body, to enable me send you my lovely gift I promise you last time. For me to send you this gift is to show you how I care for you and your acceptance is to make sure that you really care for me and Junior.
Here is my home address and company/ site and profile.
ADDRESS: Blackpool Borough Council Town Hall, Blackpool FY1 1AD United Kingdom.
Contact number: +448709740479 0r +447031836998Email: austibret@yahoo.ca (private) Official mail is austibret@atlasoilminers.comCOMPANY: ATLAS OIL MINERS LONDON ……. www.atlasoilminers.com
Darling you can also apply for any position in our company in case if you might love to work in London or any of our branches in Asia opening next year. Feel free to ring me any time, I will be so glad to talk to your sweet voice any day on phone, the thought of you have recently make my day.
Love you my heart.
To: Austin BretTrus selanjutnya, beberapa surat menghilang dari inbox, mungkin kehapus nggak sengaja. Mungkin juga di salah satu surat tersebut aku ngasih nomor telpon, sebage bukti kalo aku juga open mind, dan sekaligus pengen tau nich, apa bener nih orang nekad nelpon? Eh.. nggak lama kemudian ternyata doski bener-bener nelpon. Kira-kira jam 11 malem waktu kita. Ya.. tentu aja aku belagak bego.. atau bego beneran..!! Aku bilang soaranya ga jelas lah.. kresek-kresek lah.. trus bilang ini dah malem banget, jadi aku suruh dia telpon lagi besok siang, atau kira-kira pagi waktu London. Nah.. besoknya aku tungguin 1 jam sengaja diem di meja, penasaran, sambil siap2 kerjasama dengan rekan dosen bhs.Inggris untuk menghadapi ketulalitan Inggrisku in case dia bener-bener telpon..!! But, as I guess, dia nggak telpon lageee!! Forget it..!! Bodo amat. Eh tau-tau dia tulis surat kayak gini :
Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 4:03 AM
Hello Bret,
What I have done this night, I traced all your email and backup it on one file so I can read it words by words. Speak honestly, at the first time I did not mentioned that you will be very serious with your words. Actually, right now I am not sure yet. But after reading your email twice even more this night, I have strong feeling that you are serious with your words. This feeling guide me into one thing, that I am afraid!! Not afraid about your honesty, but afraid that may be I will disappointed you. Maybe I am not the right one you have expected? How can I face that? So if you don’t mind, if you really want to visit this country, please keep in your mind (at least for the first time) that you just want to spend your holiday here.. meet me just by chance! Or maybe you can meet other potential women here.
Let me know more about you..! If you said that you feel so dramatic with this communication, but until now, I did not have that feeling. I just feel that you just one nice man out there. Maybe you are real, maybe not!! That’s OK, you have sent me your real address, complete with phone, it show that you are open mind to me.
Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 12:16 AM
Austin Bret
Distance is never a barrier between you and I because for any minute in my thought you are there in my heart, in any of my planning, I always consider you and your family. I wish I can stretch out my hands to touch you, to hug you and to make you feel comfortable; I always imagine being with you and Junior together to make a one family where you people shall be my people and my people your people.
Though I don’t think you took me the way I take you or the way I think of you, and coming to meet you is one of the most thinking that has occupied my thought recently, I was out station for work, that was why I have not write you recently even though you never reply some of my mails to you, maybe am not a rich man or handsome as you think but I am man enough darling to make you happy, share everything with you and provide for you.
I will love to have your address and contact darling as I wish to send to you few things which I knew you will love it and also my company calendar, application forms which I will like you to study if you may love to work in my company not minding your qualification, and I want you to buy a land for me in a good area of which we can use to open CAFÉ (western restaurant) I have think of this for awhile now and I believe with you we can achieve it .
Don’t bother yourself because I will handle for every expense in this establishment, all I need from you is support and care, love and honesty and to show me that you are a responsible lady to handle any of our investment because it is in your country and ours.
I will be waiting for your quick responds darling.
Yours always,
Beu..!! jadi beuki dodol yeuh..?? Eta nya keukeuh ujug-ujug mau investasi. Waktu itu aku belum tau apa istilahnya untuk kasus seperti ini, tapi jelas-jelas aku ndak percaya dan sudah pernah baca kasus serupa. Makanya, aku pengen tau apa responnya kalo aku menunjukan tanda-tanda mencurigai dia. Jadilah aku tulis surat seperti ini..
Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 2:45 AMNah.. ternyata dia nggak nanggepin pertanyaan dan pernyataan aku dan terus keep going ngirim email ngelantur nggak jelas..! dengan gaya sok sibuk dan sok imut seperti berikut :
To: Austin Bret
Hello Austin,
I though you are feeling give up and would not contact me again because I could not manage to talk with you at the first time you call me. Actually I have set my time free the day after, for wait you to call me again, at the time I have mentioned before, at morning, between 07.00 - 08.00 o'clock. I left my class and sit down, read newspaper and do nothing but waiting for your call. But it was not
I also expected your email, and no email.
And meanwhile, don't talk too much or walk to far, before we really can see each other. Just stay calm and try to share our everyday story so we can know more each other, bit by bit.
Internet can deceive us, nothing real here, so I believe in real communication although I do not accuse that you are deceiving me.
I think you have too far idea about investment here. Lots of culture and political situation here you must learn before think about investment in my country. Visit the place first, learn the culture and situation and then thinks the others.
By the way, have you ever heard the case of deception via internet, when someone from tagged.com contacted a Lady from Indonesia, and after some email conversation, the man ask the woman to get married. The woman agree, and the man said "we must make some preparation", so the man said that he will send the woman lots of things, maybe about a container stuff, according to their marriage. The woman also agree. And suddenly, somebody call the woman from Malaysia, mentioned that there is a container which have problem with local policy and need
some 'money' to release it, not much maybe, at about 3-4000 US$. The person who calling from Malaysia mentioned the name of that man and said that the container belongs to that man. The woman refuse to send money because she doesn't believe it and also doesn't have it. And when the man finally call the woman, discuss about the package, so the woman said maybe it is just a deception. The man angry and since then the man never call the woman again.
Well, believe it or not?? Since I posted my profile in tagged.com, I receive at about 3-5 emails, mostly from UK, with almost the same scenario. Here is the most recent one :
From:Friday W
Date:Aug 8, 2009 9:21 PM
Subject:Dear Friend, My names is...
Dear Friend, My names is Dr Friday from UK london, may i know the procedure and the possibility to follow when investing in our country indonesia, because i want to invest at home because i left home to uk when i was five, and i lost my parants in UK a year ago, i wanted to invest the first time my family mess me up, that's why i am looking for a well responsible person to help me in this investment, if you are capable and willing and you are capable,to handle this investment contact my private email, fridaywilliam50@yahoo.com waiting to hear from you. Thanks for your understanding and God, Allah bless.
Warmest Regard
Dr Friday
Please don't think this discussion shown that I am in doubt with you. I just want to be move carefully, because as you know, in the internet, many people do something bad, cheat each other and so on.
As I have mentioned before, I am an open mind personality, so I also speak frankly and straightforward, and also love to discuss everything.
Hope you are well and success for your job!
from : Austin Bret
Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 12:14 AM
subject : Missing you
My sweet darling, I will be travelling to Mexico for the contract I told you soon. As I will be coming to your country for visiting you as soon as our contract is over as I promise you because I cannot wait to see you. Once more, I would have like both of us plan for the better future as soon as I come to your country. There are two things I will like both of us consider.
1. I want you to help me establish a private own CAFE in your country.
2. Or To join me move down to London after we finally get married and work with me in Atlas Oil Mining Company after I visited you. If you wish to work with us, I will help you to secure a resident permit in United Kingdom, but all you have to do now is to apply; I will be sending to you the forms for you to study it first and fill it carefully, my company gave me only one person and I want you to fill my space whether you qualified or not with me you are cover because my company provide training too for new staffs..
As of me, I will like to open a private company in your country of which you will be one of the director in the company. Well, if you do not mind, I send you small money to enable you secured a large land in a nice located site in your country city for our project since I learnt that it will be easier to buy land with a local and you can use your name no problem because in my heart I trusted you and I don’t care if we have meet or not because I prayed and knowing you is the answer to my prayer.
I want even the support of your family to us in this our relationship and see us as one family not minding that am from the English or British. Darling you never gave me your address too in case I want to send things down for use. Sweet Heart, I will love to buy a few things for you, say things like Jewries something like that.or vidoe recorder... I don’t know if you will prefer blackberry or Apple phone, I hope you will like it as well, just to show you how sincere and pure my heart is towards this our relationship. GOLD is a symbol of Beauty and purity so I would prefer to buy a white gold Jewry for you. Dont forget to give me your address on your reply darling. I do care for you and for our future together. Bret and Junior
Nah mulai ngaco kan?? Selain nggak menjawab topik permasalahan yang aku ajukan di surat sebelumnya, naha ujug-ujug obral hadiah.. bilang udah ngirim paket segala.. deuh..!!
Dih.. ..!! Jijay bajay dan lebay.. Dah ngasih nomor telpon, ngaku-ngaku ngasih hadiah macem-macem, tapi semua kecurigaanku seolah-olah nggak ditanggepin. Trus, tanpa ba-bi-bu lagi, tiba-tiba dia bilang udah ngirim paket yang dia janjiin tersebut. Lengkap dengan data-data pengiriman sebagai berikut :
From: Austin BretAku emang ngiseng nyoba ngecek ke situs yang dia sebutin, dan data-datanya emang bener ada di sono. (Waktu surat-suratan ini terjadi, situs itu bener-bener aktif. Tapi sekarang udah nggak aktif. Sayang aku nggak capture image nya ya.. jadi ndak ada bukti othenthieq..!!). Pokoke keliatannya rapi jali.. Cuma aku rada curigation. Soale situs-situs tsb nampak sunyi sepi. Contohnya untuk situs perusahaan tempat dia kerja. Ada halaman utama, trus kira-kira 3-4 halaman laen, isinya standar template perusahaan, semacam produk, alamat, dlsb. Udah gitu kalo di-googling kemana-mana nggak ada tuh nama perusahaan tsb. Nggak ada di berita manapun, di halaman manapun, di kutu sekalipun nggak ada. Soal situs kurir tersebut, ternyata alamat yang dicantumkan di situs tersebut di Malaysia, yang menurut ponakanku yang tinggal di sono, alamat itu di sebuah pulau kecil yang entar-berentah dimana.
Date: Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: Have been calling you
To: Andromeda Gilbert
Hello Sweet Darling,
I just want to tell you that I will be on my way to Mexico for my contract this morning, I am coming to visit you as soon as the contract there is over because I can’t wait to meet you my love. I really love you much and develop the feelings to cherish you for accepting me even though we have not met yet I must say thank you. I can say you are one of the great things that happen to me this year and that are what I prayed for.
Below is sending information for the things I promise you, just to show you how much I care for you, I followed my heart and never my eyes and this is my way of telling you that when God say yes, no man can say NO!!
Here is the Airway bill information
Company Name: DMSCOURIERS Services.
Website: http://www.dmscouriers.com
Tracking Number: 2108097677354
Go to the company website, you will see the online tracking, click on it and put the tracking number shown above and Click on SUBMIT to know weather the parcel has arrived because I registered it express and urgent.
Darling I must confess that I really miss you honestly... you have filled my heart with joy and fulfilment that is overwhelming. Do call me as soon as you receive the parcel... I do hope that you will appreciate my lovely gift for you. I sent you my company’s application forms for you to study it to see and know where you can fit in, you have to fill it all (Inside the consignment box is small portable Apple notebook (laptop) and some 18,000 G B P).
(dst.... berhubung bualannya agak panjang, jadi kepaksa aku potong!!)
Trus.. yang surprise nya.. persis seperti skenario, satu hari ada seseorang yang telpon, dari satu nomor telpon (yang kemudian hari aku cek ke situs dmscourier.com, ternyata sama persis dengan nomor telpon di situs tsb). Dengan logat Inggris yang rada kemalay-malayan , orang ini bilang ada problem di paket sejenis itu lah. Tapi suaranya rada-rada nggak jelas gitu. Trus dia minta email, trus aku sebutin di telpon, tapi nggak jelas ngkali, sehingga besoknya dia telpon lagi. Akhirnya, aku ambil inisiatif ngirim imel ke customer service dmscouriers.com seperti yang tertera di situs mereka, seperti berikut :
Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 8:21 PM
To: customercare@dmscouriers.com
Hello there,
I am representing of Ms. Andromeda Gilbert which has the package from BretAustin, Blackpool, UK, with the tracking number 2108097677354.
Somebody has called me yesterday and this morning asking for my email, and mentioned that there is a problem with the package. She told me will send an email to explain how to resolve it but until now, I did not receive the email yet.
So, by this email, I am asking what's the problem about the package and how to resolve it. Basically I do not request the package but Mr.Austin just send it, so I have no idea about the content of that package.
Andromeda Gilbert
Nggak nyampe sehari, si orang kurir ini langsung menjawab sebagai berikut :
From : customercare@dmscouriers.comNaaah.. ketauan kan apa maunya? Persis seperti skenario yang pernah aku baca di kasus-kasus penipuan sejenis. Eeeh.... untuk meyakinkan, si jam-Bret ini juga ikut-ikutan ngemail nanyain apa udah ada yang telpon soal paket segala. Seolah-olah si courier tersebut juga menghubungi dia. Sayangnya email pertanyaan dia ilang. Meski sudah tau penipuan, aku masih penasaran ingin tau seperti apa reaksi si jam-Bret ini kalo aku menolak tawaran mereka. Maka aku tulis surat seperti ini :
Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 9:29 AM
To: Andromeda Gilbert
We have sent to you this information for days now more then 3times and still you do not receive any of it. W have called to explain to you that you parcel has been placed on hold because of the fund detected in your parcel which here the authority recently start checking on parcel coming to your country because of the recent problems in Indonesia to make sure boxes coming there is safe.
Secondly, you are made to pay a penalty Rm3970 as charges for the release of your parcel before it can be deliver to your address as registered it by the sender. Ww will deliver to your home because it was registered express. Lastly, there is nothing much problem with your parcel box only the penalty, call us once you make your payment. Thank you,
Ms. Benita
To: Austin Bret
Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 9:57 AM
Mr. Austin, here is the reply from customercare of DMS.
Look at the cost of penalty I have to pay. It is impossible.it is at about 682 GBP. Remember the story I have told you? somebody send the package, and the package stuck on malaysia, and we have to pay to release the package?
and my answer is.. I am very sorry, does not mean I do not appreciate your attention to me, but I can not accept that package and I can not do anything with the package. Maybe they will send it back to you or they will keep it.. I don't know!! I just can do nothing.
I am wondering :
1. Why you don't know the regulation that it will not allowed to put the money on the package?
2. Why you don't make confirmation that you have a plan to send money using couriers services?
3. Why you don't use the western union or another bank services to send the money?
I never ask for the gift and the money. So , if there is a gift, no matter how much its price, no matter where it come from, but I have to pay to get it, I would not pay for that. If it is a real package, my advice is, ask them to send your package back to your address. I am sorry, I just can't help you to solve the problem. It is out of my capability.
Kagok penasaran, akhirnya aku lakukan sedikit googling dan menemukan informasi tentang alamat situs yang pernah dia nyatakan sebagai referensi penipuannya. Informasi ini juga aku sampaikan ke si jam-Bret, supaya dia tau bahwa tidak semua orang dapat ditipu dengan mudah.Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 11:20 AM
Thank you dear. I dont have any other comment for you only thanks. But always know that laws in Europ and Asia never be the same. Once again thank you. Will always be yours, Bret
To: Austin BretEh.. masih berani njawab juga...!!
OK, I think it is kind of fake scenario. Every hyperlinks you have sent me was reporting as fake:
for atlas oil company : http://db.aa419.org/fakebanksview.php?key=38800
for dms couriers : http://db.aa419.org/fakebanksview.php?key=39010
and also read the 'same' story here :
Please stop to fake another person, or you will find the result one day.
Austin BretSejak itu, blass si jam-Bret ini nggak berani kirim-kirim imel lagi. Bahkan waktu aku mau posting artikel ini, jejaknya ndak berhasil aku temui di situs manapun. Nampaknya dia sudah menghapus identitas tersebut, dan bisa jadi membuat identitas baru.
Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 1:37 PM
To: Andromeda Gilbert
Ok, thank you I will find it out ok. You always my darling
Hm.. ternyata banyak kejadian scammeria seperti itu. Semuanya dipersiapkan dengan matang, seperti membuat web site perusahaan palsu. Menelpon dari nomor yang sama persis seperti yang tercantum di web site perusahaan tersebut, membuat tampilan yang dapat menampilkan data pengiriman barang seolah-olah pengiriman tersebut benar-benar ada, dan laen-laen. Mereka bekerja secara profesional, meskipun, dengan akal sehat, semuanya itu memang nggak masuk akal.
Situs itu juga membahas berbagai jenis modus operandi scammer. Salah satunya yang berurusan dengan cintrong-cintrongan palsu yang disebut dengan "Love Scams". Beberapa pelakunya bahkan sudah banyak yang tertangkap.
Situs ini juga membahas lebih serius tentang urusan Love Scams, berikut tips dan trik-triknya. Ada juga situs yang membahas berjenis-jenis modus operandi scammer.
Knapa lagi ya banyak orang yang mudah terjebak para scammer? Khususnya para wanito? Di salah satu artikel yang aku lupa lagi entah dimana nemunya, ada sedikit ulasan tentang fenomena ini, yang konon katanya :
- Wanita, dari sononya gampang termakan rayuan gombal, dan kalo sudah termakan, hilang semua akal sehatnya. Banyak juga diantara mereka yang bermimpi jadi Cinderella, putri yang menderita, yang tiba-tiba diundang ke istana sang Pangeran
Wanita Indonesa banyak yang terobsesi dan bangga kalo punya pacar atau pasangan hidup orang bule. Para scammer tau bahwa Indonesa di Indonesa banyak orang yang bersifat agak "greedy", senang mengadu nasib dan cenderung mencapai segala sesuatu dengan cara pintas, termasuk cara instant menjadi kaya. Para korban scammer tersebut berharap, dengan ngikutin dan percaya dengan scammer tersebut, mereka langsung bisa mendadak kaya.